
Newsletter Archive

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NEWS111 2412


Vital Statistics;  The primary function of an industrial psychologist (IP);  Damages for death of both parents;  Duty of support by step-parents;  Foster children also get loss of support;  AI and case headnotes;  Maintenance for a surviving spouse.


NEWS110 2406


Vital Statistics;  New office address; The “Public Health Defence” dismissed; Foster children get loss of support; The primary function of an industrial psychologist (IP); Prescribed rate of interest; The notional child; General damages and reduced life expectancy; General damages increased for delayed compensation.

NEWS109 2312


Vital Statistics;  STATSSA Earnings vs Corporate Survey Case Ref Error; Illegal Earnings Compensated; Going Back to Basics; The “Public Health Defence”; Failed Justice

NEWS108 2306


Vital Statistics;  Past Caregiving; Interest on general damages; COID Capitalisation

NEWS107 2212


Vital Statistics;  Apportionment of Damages for Loss of Support;  Contingency for Remarriage or “Re-partnering”;  Shock to Mother for Having a Cerebral Palsy Child;  General Contingencies on Future Expenses;  Life Policy Falls Outside Community Assets;  The Unrepresented RAF;  Maintenance of Surviving Spouses

NEWS106 2206


Vital Statistics; A Welcome New Court Case Service; General Damages for Blindness; General Damages for Sexual Harassment; Caveat for Actuaries, Industrial Psychologists, and Attorneys; Mora Interest to Double or Not; PAYE or Company Tax? Dangerous Dogs, Absolute Liability (almost); The RAF Statutory CAP

NEWS105 2112


Vital Statistics; Medical negligence Instalment payments; Trust Management Fees; Duty of Support Between siblings; Death Claims and Industrial Psychologists (IP’s)

NEWS104 2106


Vital Statistics;  Loss of Support;  The POPI Act;  The Victim In Utero;  Deaths Attributed to COVID

NEWS103 2012


Vital Statistics;  Financial indicators;  Lost savings;  COID capitalisation;  Undertaking by the RAF to pay necessary expenses;  Reforms at the Road Accident Fund; General damages

NEWS102 2006


Vital statistics; Death in a toilet; The lockdown; The new normal; Deaths from COVID-19; Liability different from cause of damage; Mora Interest is not a simple matter; Indigency of parents; Remarriage deductions.

NEWS101 1912


Vital statistics; Tertiary education; Cost of extra employee; Whole person impairment; Contractual support; Life insurance benefits; Curators for children.

NEWS100 1906


Vital statistics; Real Rate of Return; Retirement Funding; Domestic Workers; Real Increases in Earnings; Job Grades;STATSSA Earnings vs Corporate Survey; Deduction of State Grant

NEWS99 1812


Vital statistics; Even linear real increases; Message for the Juta editors of Corbett & Honey (The Quantum of Damages in Bodily and Fatal Injury cases); STATSSA earnings data; Prescription holiday:

NEWS98 1806


Vital statistics; QYB STATSSA earnings; Pension contributions; Industrial psychologists joint minute derelictions; "Possible" misunderstandings; The lump-sum rule prevails for non-RAF matters; Industrial Psychologist QYB omission.

NEWS97 1712


Vital statistics; Remarriage contingency; Real increases in earnings; Constitutional damages; Costs of domestic assistant by instalments for RAF matters; Quantum Yearbook 2017 corrigenda.

NEWS96 1706


Vital statistics;  Expenses paid by RAF undertaking; The earnings data board; Government budgeting guidelines.

NEWS95 1612


Vital statistics;  The “Sweatman” CAP;  The “Marikana” wage settlement;  Intestate minimum for a widow;  Death, divorce and remarriage;  Support by tacit agreement;  Dating of expert reports.

NEWS94 1606


Vital statistics; CAP apportionment;  Attendant and househelp expenses;  Costs of curator bonis;  Retirement age for teachers;  Beware the unmarried widow;  Support from a State grant.

NEWS93 1512


Vital statistics; Medical expenses net capitalisation rate; Division of matrimonial assets subject to accrual; “Gratuitous” payments of support;
Deduction for inheritance of bond debt;  Mora interest.

NEWS92 1506


Vital statistics; Koch Consulting Actuaries cc; Road Accident Fund “CAP”; State welfare benefits for children;
Dippenaar v Shield revisited.

NEWS91 1412


Prescribed rate of interest; Foster care grants are now deductible; Civil service salary increases; CPI/CPIX confusion,Accrual benefits; Deduction of investment interest.

NEWS90 1406


Vital statistics; Damages for loss of support; Wrongful entry; Illegal earnings; Wrongful arrest; AIDS/HIV mortality; Unemployed claimants; Retirement ages; Fringe benefits.

NEWS89 1312


Vital statistics, Trust losses after injury, Consent to a second wife, Apportionment of death claims, Accrual benefits in estate, Application of the R160000 CAP, Large awards for general damages, Loss of support

NEWS88 1306


Vital statistics, Absconded webmaster, Reinforcements, AIDS mortality, The R160000 CAP, Misdirected Industrial Psychologists, Claims settlemens by minors, Retirement ages, Pre-existing child support grant

NEWS87 1209


Vital statistics, The injured widow, Application of the "CAP", Inheritance by children.

NEWS86 1206


Vital statistics; Child names; Alternative Robert Koch; "The clanking of medieval chains"; The right to damages of a common-law wife; Deduction of notional tax on lost earnings.

NEWS85 1203


Vital statistics: Outdated proof of earnings: Santam v Fourie revisited: One claim for all: Adoption by customary law: The value of lost sick leave: Claims once limited to R25000: Nil spread differential contingencies: Chiefs & indians - the corporate pyramid.

NEWS84 1112


Vital statistics; Discounting to date of death; Claims for maintenance from deceased estates; Corporate earnings surveys (WRONG WRONG WRONG).

NEWS83 1109


Vital statistics; Government salary increase for 2011;  Civil service pension increases;  Lost inheritance prospects;  The paper it is written on;  Formal and informal.

NEWS82 1106


Vital statistics; CAP corrigendum; Notional COID benefits; Life partner claim from deceased estate; Unlikely earnings; Job seeking skills; "Piece worker"; Joint minutes.

NEWS81 1103


Vital statistics;  Quantum Yearbook 2011 corrigenda;  Application of the CAP;  50% reduction of industrial psychologist fees;  Fraud charges against widows;  Reduced life expectancy;  Corporal punishment by a teacher;  Lump-sum maintenance from deceased estate

NEWS80 1012


The looming legislation; Domestic worker fringe benefits; Treatment of AIDS; Wrongful failure to terminate a birth.

NEWS79 1009


Inflation rates; Post office savings; RAF file references; Damages for pregnancy termination failure; The remarried widow; Damages for death of a bridegroom; "Likely" earnings; Percentage impairments; Adv John Mullins says:

NEWS78 1006


General damages for adultery; Differential living costs; Saved travel costs: Currency conversion; Saved living costs; Child support grant is deductible; Inheritance of the family home; Discounting to date of delict.

NEWS77 1003


eMail instructions; The engaged couple; Weather reports; Hypothetical support; Unfair awards.

NEWS76 0912


Future expenses deduction for general contingencies; Informal sector job creation; Use of a company vehicle; Family background substantially affects career prospects; SARS taxation of small retirement lump sums; General damages for young persons; New QOD citation.

NEWS75 0909


Financial statistics; Linear vs compound real salary increases; "Earning capacity"; Foster-care grants are res inter alios acta; Government pension fund retirement age.

NEWS74 0906


The new CPI; Unemployed house-husbands; The deceased child; Interest on general damages; Overtime; Income tax; Pity Mr Zuma's wives; Expert report time periods; Earnings from spaza shops.

NEWS73 0903


Newsletters by "snailmail"; The website; Dates for medico-legal reports; State old age pensions and disability grants; COID pension capitalisation; COID increases April 2008; Interest on general damages; General contingencies and long delays.

NEWS72 0812


Website address changed; Salary increases; Mora interest; Value of an inheritance.

NEWS71 0812


Inflation; Depreciation of taxis; Missing taxi assets; Two parts to the deceased one part to each child; E-mail to an industrial psychologist.

NEWS70 0608


Impairment ratings and general damages; R2 billion award for damages; State welfare incomes; Loss of support claims by children.

NEWS69 0308


State old age pensions; Economic theory and general damages; Indexation of awards for general damages; Damages for pure shock; Nil deduction for general contingencies.

NEWS68 1207


Assets of a widow; The "Van Drimmelin" principle; General contingency for residual earning capacity; Application for default judgment; Claim by estate for the "lost years"; Damages for the unplanned child.

NEWS67 0907


Financial statistics; Job gradings; Formal and informal sectors; Earnings at date of accident; Correction of obvious errors; Reduced life expectancy.



Copy of blog from De Broglio website: The payment of fees for litigation experts.

NEWS66 0607


The payment of fees for litigation experts.

NEWS65 0307


Partnership losses; State welfare benefits and the means test; General contingencies - some historical tidbits; Judicial inflation oops!

NEWS64 1206


Loss of life cover; Damages awards and income tax; Blended earnings scenarios; Attorneys operating as "Inc"; Loss of earnings by a widow.

NEWS63 0906


The RAF Act amendment Act; The attorneys' Fidelity Fund and expert witness fees; Indivisible household expenses; Travelling expenses; International relative cost of living; Compensation for income not declared to SARS (see case name correction in March 2007 newsletter).

NEWS62 0606


Financial statistics; International relative cost of living; Overlapping rights of action; Abolishment of the common-law right of action for damages; Mozambique wheelchairs.

NEWS61 0306


The new legislation: retrospectivity, common-law right, limited liability, passenger claims, general damages, medical costs tariff, legal costs; Defrocked attorneys and expert witness fees; The Fidelity Fund; Expected duration of hip replacements.

NEWS60 1205


Quantum Yearbook 2006; Black Laws Amendment Act and working wives; Common-law wives (the "houvrou"); COID compensation is not so inadequate (but it is different); Use of leg prostheses; the Mozambique limbless.

NEWS59 0905; "Formal sector" defined; "informal sector" defined; Jurisdiction for actuaries (and other expert witnesses).

NEWS58 0508


E-mail newsletters; The financial scene; Saved living expenses; Working overseas; Cost-of-living international comparisons; Fiscal drag; COID claims - a new harvest for MVA lawyers?; ex RAF semper aliquid nova.

NEWS57 0305


Financial statistics; House prices; The website; Mannie Jantjies; Increased petrol levy; Mortality of lower income whites; Deferred payment of my fees; Payments by provident funds; same-sex marriages.

NEWS56 1204


Quantum Yearbook 2005; State disability grants; Fraud at the RAF; Value of a chance; Increased awards for general damages; Interest and the "in duplum" rule.

NEWS55 0904


E-mail newsletters; Maintenance orders; COID "claw backs"; COID and limited claims; COID and apportionment of damages; COID and "like from like"; COID administrative delays; Touting: good or evil?; Instalment settlements; Insolvent estates.

NEWS54 0604


E-mail newsletters; Marital property regimes; Equal opportunity in the new South Africa; Same sex "marriages"; Retirement after age 65; The truth (philosophically speaking).

NEWS53 0304


Financial statistics; Informal sector opinions; Dependency to age 21; State disability grants and apportionment of damages; Reducing overtime; Unemployed husbands; Stepchildren and customary law.

NEWS52 1203


Prescribed Rate of Interest Amendment Act 7 of 1997; Loss of inheritance prospects; Damages that are difficult to quantify; The problem of non-cohabitant parents.

NEWS51 0903


Apportionment of undertakings (correction); Salary surveys and other tidbits; Sick leave; Capitalised and "recapitalised"; The wealthy wife; Law reform needed (s31(5) of the The Black laws Amendment Act 76 of 1963).

NEWS50 0603


(numbering error noted) Procedural delays; RAF "actuarial" calculations; Apportionment of undertakings (see correction in September 2003 newsletter); Deferred payment of actuarial fees; HIV/AIDS and life expectancy; "Normal contingencies".

NEWS49 0603


Procedural delays; RAF "actuarial" calculations; Apportionment of undertakings (see correction in September 2003 newsletter); Deferred payment of actuarial fees; HIV/AIDS and life expectancy; "Normal contingencies".

NEWS48 0303


Reform of road accident compensation; Instalment compensation; Single parents.

NEWS47 1202


Xmas presents for amputees; Above-knee prostheses; Xmas presents for widows: "loss" of notional widow's pension; Xmas presents for widow: "loss" of share of deceased's notional pension; Saved living expenses; More children, more money!

NEWS46 0902


The State disability grant; Inflation: "headline" or "CPI(X)"?; 25% discount on actuarial fees; Cohabitation as a ground for claiming loss of support; Black and white statistics.

NEWS44 0302


2,5% per year net capitalisation rate; The indigent parent; Compensation to be paid directly to claimants; Intestate succession; "Common-law" wives and notional children; Statutory limits to overtime; The unemployed husband; Age for dependency for children.

NEWS43 1201


Earnings in the informal sector; Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); Whiplash injuries.

NEWS42 0901


Consumer price index; Apportionment of costs of curator bonis; Volume 5 of Corbett & Honey; General damages for death of wife and child; Insufficient evidence for past loss of earnings; Normal retirement age; Parental indigence.

NEWS41 0601


Financial statistics; Clothing advisor; Retirement at age 55; Gains offset against losses; The patrimonial value of a right of support; Residual earning capacity.

NEWS40 0301


AIDS mortality.

 NEWS39 1200


Inheritances by children deducted from lost support; Birth rates; Relative cost of living; More life tables; Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993 (COID Act).

NEWS38 0900


Curator bonis and costs of security; General damages - relief from the need to work; Partial disability.

NEWS37 0600


Financial statistics; Loss of support & illegitimate children; Assessment of Damages Act 9 of 1969; State welfare child grants; Contractual support as a basic for damages.

NEWS36 0300


Earnings questionnaires - pity the employer; Quantum Yearbook 2000 errata; Capital gains tax; Net capitalisation rates; Remarriage rates for men; "Capitalised and recapitalised".

NEWS35 1299


The English scene; The Irish scene; Quadriplegia - general damages; Drivers for the blind; Divorced women; Child maintenance; Islamic widows; Curator boniscosts of security; Raised shoes.

NEWS34 0999


Financial statistics; Interest and inflation: Quo vadis?; Family life in South Africa; Excessive attorney fees; Claims arising from the death of a single mother; Indigency of parents; Average payout by RAF.

NEWS33 0699


Effect of award on compensation; RAF website; Department of Statistics website; Damages for divorcees; The remarriage deduction; Dependency of children.

NEWS32 0399


Financial statistics; Cost of living international comparisons; The remarried widow; The Corbett & Buchanan/Honey case reports; Sick leave entitlement in the civil service; Epilepsy; Actuarial calculations by the RAF.

NEWS31 1298


Overtime earnings; Potentially polygamous marriages; The Assessment of Damages Act 9 of 1969; Wrongful arrest and detention.

NEWS30 0998


Financial statistics; Expert reports - Wouldn't it be so nice..; Reform of the Road Accident Fund; Remarriage deductions and claims for loss of support; Costs ofcurator bonis for loss of support awards; Maintenance payments by a surviving parent.

NEWS28 0398


Maintaining cover under new legislation for MVA claims; Curator bonis and expenses; Investment of compensation money; Interest on unliquidated damages; Potential earnings v Likely earnings.

NEWS27 1297


Interest on damages; Retrospective interest; Medico-legal reports; Past loss of earnings; Remarriage rates for black widows.

NEWS26 0997


Prescribed interest on past losses; Damages for an unplanned child; The unemployed victim; More than one widow; Fees for professional witnesses.

NEWS25 0697


Graffiti; Prescribed Rate of Interest Amendment Act: Interest calculations; Collateral benefits; COID (WCA) awards; Evidence; AIDS; Probabilities and possibilities; State grants and pensions: the means test.

NEWS24 0397


The Quantum Yearbook 1997; Internet; Putting it all in one word; The "life expectancy" of hip replacements; The "discretionary" benefits; The extended family: claims for loss of support.

NEWS23 1296


Apportionment of undertakings correction; Accelerated benefits deducted from death claims; Working wives and death claims; Whiplash statistics; Earnings of domestic servants.

NEWS22 0996


Board appointment; Cheques and bank accounts; Late payments; Notification of settlements; Knee replacements; Measuring the degree of whiplash; Apportionment of undertakings; Accelerated benefits.

NEWS21 0696


The Road Accident White Paper; No-fault insurance; Formula basis; Rehabilitation centres; Reducing costs; Civil service pension fund; RJ Koch 25% discounts.

NEWS20 0396


Quantum Yearbook publishers; Qualifying fees; Changes to civil service pension benefits; The "self-supporting dependant"; Hawker earnings; A solution to unemployment?; Proposed MVA legislation.

NEWS19 1295


Interim payments; General damages for unconscious victims; Tenders (payments into Court); Erring actuaries?; Black estates.

NEWS18 0995


The new contingency deduction; WCA deductions and apportionment; Public sector salary scales; Interest on damages.

NEWS17 0695


Compensation for wrongful dismissal; General damages for shock; State disability benefits and accident compensation; Use of the family home; Savings from the deceased's income.

NEWS16 0395


WCA benefits and the apportionment of damages; Employment of school leavers; Actuarial obscurantism; Apportionment of death claims; Accelerated benefits for children.

NEWS15 1294


Maintenance claimed from breadwinner's estate; Risk of divorce; 3rd party claims "Drastic measures proposed".

NEWS14 0994


Long bond yields and future inflation; Stepchildren and the duty of support; Contributory negligence of a deceased breadwinner; Accelerated benefits and children.

NEWS13 0694


State disability grants; Travelling expenses; Reduced medication costs; Reciprocal duties of support.

NEWS12 0394


Deduction for taxation; Increased business expenses; General contingencies; General damages and future medical procedures; Instalment compensation and causation; Reduced life expectancy; Medical ethics; Houses for paraplegics.

NEWS11 1293


Farewell John Melville; Thesis project completed; Analysing maintenance problems; Instalment agreements are once-and-for-all; Cost of curator bonis; Apportionment of WCA benefits.

NEWS10 0993


Report back from clients; When we do work in the Transvaal; Spinal cord injuries; Instalment compensation is taxable;  Contingency of early or late death; Cost ofcurator bonis/trustee; Protection against price escalation; Capping of claims.

NEWS09 0693


>General damages for shock of death; Overdraft interest is not damages; General sales tax is not compensated; Assets of a wife; Apportionment of family income.

NEWS08 0493


Damages for loss of support for child adopted under black customary law; Whiplash injuries; General damages for shock of death; Expert reports; Wording of undertakings; Unemployment statistics; Leg amputation with no loss of earning capacity.

NEWS07 0292


The Quantum Yearbook 1993; Escalating support payments; The MMF is solvent; Whiplash injuries; General damages for shock of death; Apportionment of death claims.

NEWS06 1292


Value of a Wife's Services in the Home; Apportionment of the Services of a Wife and Mother; Escalating Support Payments; Life Insurance Premiums; Earning Capacity of  Breadwinner

NEWS05 1092


Business Premises; Assessments of General Damages; Courier Services; C&B; Speculative Claims; Discount for Early Death; Marriage Prospects and Injury Claims; Saved Living Expenses and Injury Claims; Travel Costs

NEWS04 0892


John Melville has Qualified; Verification of Data; Earning Capacity and Income Tax; Impecuniosity; Beware of Marriage Certificates; Reform we would like to see; State Grants

NEW03 0692


The Advocates' Devil; Consumer Price Index; Extra Mortality for Amputees; Consuming Interest and Capital; Curator Bonis; Net Capitalization Rates; Interest on Damages

NEWS02 0492


The Quantum Yearbook; Workmen's Compensation; The Advocates' Devil; Koch "Damages for Lost Income"; Travelling Costs; Trial Management; Recusal of a Judge?; Deduction for Remarriage; Value of a Right to Support; Value of the Chance

NEWS01 0292


This Newsletter; Who are we?; Workmen's Compensation; Medical Inflation; General Damages and Medical Expenses; General contingencies; Support from Deceased Estate.

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Quantum Yearbook

Quantum Yearbook

The Quantum Yearbook is a publication of financial and statistical information relevant to the assessment of damages for personal injury or death.  It includes tables of general damages awards updated for inflation to 2020.

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